Samhain feiern: Rituale, Ahnen und Fliegenpilz-Räucherwerk

Celebrating Samhain: Rituals, Ancestors and Fly Agaric Incense

Samhain: The Festival of the Ancestors and the Changing of the Seasons

Samhain, pronounced "Sow-in", is one of the most important festivals in the Celtic calendar. It marks the beginning of the dark season and the end of the harvest season. Traditionally, Samhain is celebrated on the night of October 31st to November 1st and is considered a time of transformation, letting go and connecting with the ancestors.

The Origins of Samhain

Samhain originates from Celtic culture and was celebrated as one of the four main festivals. It symbolizes the end of the agricultural year and the beginning of winter. The Celts believed that on this night the boundary between the world of the living and the dead was particularly thin. It was a time to remember ancestors, perform protective rituals and prepare for the coming cold.

Samhain rituals and traditions

Samhain is often celebrated with rituals such as lighting fires, setting up ancestral altars and burning incense. These rituals are intended to provide protection, strengthen the connection to the spiritual world and clarify one's own intentions. Oracles and letting go of old things are also central elements of this festival.

Importance of Incense at Samhain

Smoking plays a central role in purifying energies and establishing a connection with ancestors. Incense such as mugwort, sage and resins are often used. One particular ingredient that is gaining more and more attention is the fly agaric.

Fly agaric as incense for Samhain

The fly agaric (“ Amanita muscaria ”) has a long tradition in mystical and shamanic practices. Its use in incense is not only symbolic but also energetically significant.

Effect of Fly Agaric Smoking

When burned, the fly agaric releases a mystical scent that has a deeply grounding effect and helps open the gates to the other world. The symbolic connection to transformation and protection makes it ideal for rituals such as Samhain.

How to use fly agaric for smoking:

  • Preparation: Chop small pieces of the dried fly agaric .
  • Blend: Combine it with mugwort or frankincense to intensify the scent and harmonize the effect.
  • Application: Sprinkle the mixture onto a glowing piece of charcoal and let the smoke waft into the room. It sharpens your senses and helps you to let go and open yourself up to new things.

Important: The fly agaric should only be used as part of smoking rituals. Direct consumption is harmful to health.

Celebrating Samhain: A Modern Ritual

You can still celebrate Samhain today by incorporating traditional elements into your ritual:

  1. Ancestral Altar: Create a space with photos, candles and personal items of your ancestors.
  2. Incense ritual: Use fly agaric in combination with other incense to create a protective and purifying energy.
  3. Set an intention: Write down what you want to let go of and symbolically burn it.
  4. Gratitude: Thank your ancestors and the universe for what you have received in the past year.


Samhain is a time of reflection, of connecting with our roots and of preparing for the dark season. Smoking with fly agaric can help you experience the special magic of this festival. Use the opportunity to pause, let go of the old and reorient yourself for the coming year.

Discover our high-quality fly agaric products and incense blends in our online shop and prepare yourself for a powerful Samhain ritual!

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